Sex Out Loud maintains hiring periods during both the Fall and Spring semesters. Any UW-Madison student is eligible to apply! Check here for updates on our hiring cycles. We strongly encourage LGBTQ+ persons, people of color, and self-identifying men to apply!
Hours: 10/week
Wages: $15/hour
The Program Facilitators facilitate the free, fun, interactive, and educational programs (workshops) provided by Sex Out Loud. Program Facilitators travel to dormitories, sororities, fraternities, places of work, places of residence, social gatherings, or other organizations to educate campus and community members on the topics of safer sex, relationships, pleasure, kink, birth control, STIs, HIV/AIDS, LGBTQ health, and any other specialty sexual health topics that may be requested. Program Facilitators are expected to be up-to-date on sexual health information through continuing education and training; successfully create and maintain safe spaces to discuss issues of sexuality; and be prepared to answer any sexual health questions accurately to the best of their ability. Program Facilitators are also required to participate in program development and updating current programs.
Hours: 18/week
Wages: $15/hour
The Sex Out Loud Financial Coordinator handles all of the finances of this student organization. Duties include: creating and updating the Sex Out Loud budget; creating and delivering budget proposals in front of SSFC; overseeing all purchases; paying all Sex Out Loud bills and invoices; overseeing staff payroll; attending mandatory SSFC and ASM finance meetings; meeting all SSFC, GSSF, and ASM deadlines by completing and delivering any required forms and paperwork. This position is directly responsible for handing the SSFC paperwork as well as biweekly payroll and purchasing supplies.
Hours: 16/week
Wages: $15/hour
The Sex Out Loud Events Coordinator plans and implements four major events per year: Condoms and Candy in October, National HIV & Aids Awareness, National Condom Week in February, and Sexual Health Week in April. The Event Coordinator designs activities, invites speakers, plans workshops, and gets access to venues for the events. They are also responsible for designing activities, inviting speakers, planning workshops (event activities), and gaining access to venues for the events. The Event Coordinator is encouraged to use creativity and innovation to expand on past events and collaborate with other student and community groups. This position is responsible for creating events and promoting Sex Out Loud programming to the university enabling students to decide if they wish to utilize Sex Out Loud programming.
Hours: 16/week
Wages: $15/hour
The marketing and outreach coordinator will be responsible for meeting and networking with the larger campus and city communities to promote Sex Out Loud programming as well as other collaborations.The marketing and outreach coordinator is expected to create flyers and marketing materials to promote Sex Out Loud.The marketing and outreach coordinator is expected to keep the staff current about past, present, and future outreach events. Finally, the marketing and outreach coordinator is expected to maintain the official Sex Out Loud website and all social media platforms.
Hours: 16/week
Wages: $15/hour
The Sex Out Loud Engagement Coordinator networks with the larger campus and city communities to promote Sex Out Loud programming as well as other collaborations. Their job is to maintain a large presence on campus. This includes promoting Sex Out Loud; maintaining contacts with other student organizations and university branches to collaborate in programming and events; setting up regular ‘tabling sessions’ whenever relevant; and running the volunteer program.
Hours: 20/week
Wages: $15/hour
The Chair of the Organization is responsible for providing the staff fall and spring training. The chair is expected to provide the staff with other opportunities for ongoing learning and professional development.The chair will also make every effort to provide high quality programming to the wider student and campus community. The chair is responsible for scheduling and booking all programs in a timely and professional manner in addition to helping create new or specialized programming. The chair is responsible for supervising and evaluating the program facilitators. Additionally, the chair is required to fill out RSO Registration documents and GSSF eligibility criteria paperwork on an annual basis.