Dane County Rape Crisis Center

"RCC advocates for those harmed by sexual violence by centering survivors, promoting societal change, and committing to be an evolving force for social equity."
P.A.V.E UW Madison

"Promoting Awareness, Victim Empowerment (PAVE-UW) is a student organization dedicated to preventing sexual assault, dating violence, and stalking through education and activism."
UNIDOS Wisconsin


"The Gender and Sexuality Campus Center provides education, outreach, advocacy, and resources for UW-Madison student communities and their allies to improve campus climate and their daily intersectional experiences."
Vivent health

"People living with HIV are at the center of everything we do at Vivent Health. That’s why our expert medical treatment and care is second-to-none. We operate the nation’s premier HIV Medical Home, bringing together an expert team of outstanding, compassionate physicians and nurses who are dedicated to patient care."
"UNIDOS brinda servicios, programación y apoyo a aquellas personas afectadas por el abuso doméstico o sexual en el condado de Dane y sus alrededores. Los servicios son gratuitos, confidenciales y están disponibles independientemente de la edad, sexo, raza, orientación sexual o discapacidad."